Regular checkups with a trusted dental professional can make a tremendous difference in the health and beauty of your smile. Even if you are dedicated to daily flossing and brushing, a dental expert can help you maintain health beyond the surface of your teeth and gums.

The general dentistry services at Humber Heights Dental are designed to keep every aspect of your oral health in outstanding condition, which will benefit your overall health. If you need to establish a relationship with a trusted dental health professional, or are new to the area, contact us about our general dentistry services today.


Dental X-rays (radiographs) are images of your teeth that Dr. Holta Kellezi uses to evaluate your oral health. These X-rays are used with low levels of radiation to capture images of the interior of your teeth and gums. This can help your dentist to identify problems, like cavities, tooth decay, and impacted teeth.


A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form.


Tooth extraction is performed by a dentist or oral surgeon and is a relatively quick outpatient procedure. We provide extractions for both primary (baby) and permanent (adult) teeth.

While many teens and some adults get their wisdom teeth removed, there are other reasons why a tooth extraction may be necessary in adulthood. Excessive tooth decay, tooth infection, and crowding can all require a tooth extraction. Those who get braces may need one or two teeth removed to provide room for their other teeth as they shift into place. Additionally, those who are undergoing chemotherapy or are about to have an organ transplant may need compromised teeth removed in order to keep their mouth healthy.


Chipped, cracked, and broken teeth can not only affect your overall self-confidence, but can affect your oral health. It can also lead to sensitivity, chewing discomfort, cavities, and infections.

At Humber Heights Dental, we provide a range of advanced dentistry techniques to restore your smile and alleviate any oral health issues. Our patients are able to choose from veneers, bonding, tooth coloured fillings, crowns, bridges, dentures, and implants.